Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Treasure

I've now seen this on 3 different sites. The first was here, which credits it to Joe Holleran.

The Treasure

They built the church mighty tall,
Nothing but the best, wall-to-wall,
They wanted a place to treasure,
To hold dear,
Money is no problem, have no fear,
Even the organ must be first class,
A million and a half and that’s no laugh
Then it was done, how proud they must be,
To have built a church for all to see,
But here and there, across the street,
Around the town,
First by leaps, then by bounds,
The schools were gone,
One by one,
No children to come to worship the Son,
No young voices to be raised in praise,
To fill that church in coming days,
So the organ plays year after year,
But now there are fewer and fewer
ears to hear,
They built the church mighty tall,
They did not build the children,
The real treasure after all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike,

Copy the above link into your internet browser and see what comes up. I remember this story from four years ago. It's still relevent today.