Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Failing Clergy Cause Catholic Families to Fail

Fr. Ray Blake, Pastor of St. Mary Magdalen, Brighton, United Kingdom writes,

One of my vices is that I spend far too much time having coffee and talking around my kitchen table after morning Mass.

A few days ago we were speaking about Catholic education, my views are well known, I am a wholehearted supporter of primary school, my support for Catholic secondaries (12+, for Americans) is a little more muted, I want to be convinced, and honestly, thinking up an alternative within our parish structures is beyond me.

Our conversation went thus:

  • The failure of Catholic schools is evidenced by their failure to get students to understand Catholic worship, Catholic morality, Catholic family life, Catholic vocation.
  • The question then arose as to why they were failing, the conscensus was they fail because the Catholic family is failing.
  • Why is the Catholic family failing?
  • It is failing because family life is failing generally but Catholic family life is failing because, we priests and bishops fail to preach the Church's vision of the Catholic family, especially on sex and sexuality, coming from Humanae Vitae.

Fr. Burke's observations would seem to be equally true on this side of the pond.

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