Thursday, May 8, 2008

Are There Fewer Catholic Children To Educate?

Found while surfing ...

From a 2006 article in the Buffalo First Business Newspaper:

The Buffalo diocese in the midst of a regional reorganization process that encompasses both parishes and schools. Enrollment in Catholic grammar schools has been dropping for a couple of decades. In 1984, the diocese had 28,080 students enrolled in 125 elementary schools. By 2004, the diocese had 17,218 students enrolled in 76 schools.

The number of baptisms in the diocese has dropped 51 percent during the same period.

Let's see now ... It looks like both the number of schools and the number of students in the Diocese of Buffalo dropped some 39% in 20 years, while the number of baptisms was down by 51% in those same 20 years.

I wonder if there could be a connection?

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