Friday, February 13, 2009

Ain't technology wonderful?

Just before Christmas my desktop computer blew out its power supply, BIOS and motherboard.  It took over two weeks for my local hardware wizard to order in some new parts, install them - along with a couple of upgrades - and get the monster working again.

In the meantime I carried on blogging with my laptop. I also ended up getting a bit addicted to the freedom that comes with a wireless network and the laptop has become my primary computer, especially for blogging.

The changeover looked to be essentially seamless.  OpenOffice and Windows Live Writer were already installed on the laptop.  Ditto for Thunderbird, so email was all taken care of too.

Or so I thought.

What I had forgotten is that my dorcatholic email address is maybe 9 months old and my laptop's copy of Thunderbird was installed well over a year ago.  It therefore only knew about my 8 year-old primary email address and not the new one.

It wasn't until today that I realized what had been going on and updated the laptop's copy of Thunderbird so that it now also looks for dorcatholic mail.

It was then that I found a few dozen dorcatholic emails waiting to be downloaded.

I have already replied to those that needed more than a simple acknowledgement and I want to apologize to anyone else who sent me information and didn't get a response.

Mea culpa.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So what's wrong with this?