[All emphasis in the following is mine.]
From Jesus Christ, speaking to Simon Peter, Matthew 16:
18-19 ...
And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
From Pope John Paul II, Ordinatio Sacerdotalis, May 22,
1994 ...
Although the teaching that priestly ordination is to be reserved to men alone has been preserved by the constant and universal Tradition of the Church and firmly taught by the Magisterium in its more recent documents, at the present time in some places it is nonetheless considered still open to debate, or the Church's judgment that women are not to be admitted to ordination is considered to have a merely disciplinary force.
Wherefore, in order that all doubt may be removed regarding a matter of great importance, a matter which pertains to the Church's divine constitution itself, in virtue of my ministry of confirming the brethren (cf. Lk 22:32) I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church's faithful.
From Rev. Kevin P. Murphy, St. Louis Church, Pittsford, NY, June 28, 2009 bulletin ...
I know to raise the issue of women ... to be considered as priests is unacceptable for some among us…not for me ... if you feel women ... should be considered [for ordination to the priesthood], encourage and pray for that ... wherever the vocations come from, let us just pray and accept them to serve.
My prayer for this Year of the Priest is that our Church ... would consider the possibility that God has planted the vocation to Priesthood in women’s lives and we would seriously try to discern that.
How any Catholic - especially a Catholic priest! - can still believe that the Church will someday ordain women to the priesthood is simply mind boggling.
But, then, this is the Diocese of Rochester.